My Ride

Adventures in Glacier:Parts I-II

Part I: Glacier National Park By the time I arrived in Alberta I was feeling very alone, and shaken by a week of crosswinds while riding across the middle of Canada. The many riders I passed on the road were going east. We extended our arms in greeting, quickly taking ...

Adventures in Glacier: Part III

Part III: Of Moose and Bear We began the following day with a hike up to Two Medicine pass where three valleys opened themselves before our eyes. Mountain goats flanked the west side, a wolverine kept guard over the east while hawks and eagles patrolled the endless sky, and glaciers ...

AdventuresInGlacier:Part IV-V

Part IV: The Big Mistake After a sleepless night spent in fear for your life, one is not in a position to make wise decisions about anything. I knew the weather was going to be bad for a couple of days, and though I did not yet do everything I ...

Losing My Sense of Urgency

It was one of those carefree summer days that made you wish the season had no end. I met Kyle and Evan, two musicians from Thunder Bay, and Damien, a couch surfer from France, at local diner. The accoutrements were of the 50’s and 60’s, the service at times so ...

USA: The Ride – Part I

The Great North-West I can’t think of a better way to leave Canada than on the ferry from Sydney, on Vancouver Island, to Anacortes, WA.  The heavily laden behemoth slowly tugs through the very heart of the San Juan Islands, passing countless changing currents of the Puget Sound, and finally ...

USA: The Ride – Part II

A New Bike After completing the first stage of my journey – New York to Minnesota, via 9500 miles of Canada and the US – I decided to visit my father in Israel for a few months. I am a writer after all, and he had a lot of material ...