When clouds sit low upon the land,When earth and sky are wet with rain,The titter tatter on the roof,The pitter patter on the pane. I like it cold and wet beyondFor all the reason moreThat after whetted by days of sunI’ve covered hours to look ‘fore. When all is dark ...
Ode to Icarus
No breath escapes, no sound is heard.When gravity is lost, dreamsCome crashing into our realityAnd cannot be told apart.There are no smells, the light comes from within –Its subtle glow masking the bareness of the walls. Our hearts beat to warm us both.I feel my fingers passing over herAs though ...
Lying Still
Death becomes meLying still,Devoid of thought,With nothing left to feel. A new releaseFound on my brow,Carefree in nothing —No pain to handle now. What sorrow brought inday to day,Is now exhaledAnd fades away. No lust to fanThe flames of loins,There is no fearIn where I’m going. To sacrifice the draw ...
A Captive Hope
What dreams may come of self imprisoned fate,Beyond the window with the sounds of life abounding,Trapped in the glass and mesh of air conditioned comfort.All those beyond in realization of themselves,The birds, of flesh and steel, of horses free and bridled by the hundred.Of humans in their will, their task ...
Where ancient warriors come to cleanseBeneath the stars and trees and sands.In burning caves to show the doors,With vapor’s keys to unlock souls. The songs are ever present here,Of all the lives who’ve come and went.To blow away the dirt and fearThey came to mountains by nature’s scent. And then ...
I was already there.It seemed as though forever now.The cool wind running up the Seine.The harvest time has come.Along the quai – stalls of bounty. From London I had come afore.There too along the Thames I walked.Jesters and their like, top hats still.The fog only lifted.But time did drift on ...